Monday January 12th, 2015 – Kathleen S.

Helloooo North House! Yes, it is Monday again (UGH..). But on the bright side, we are finally done with our last project component of the semester! 

Here’s the game plan from today:


  • SSR + Welcome Scribes
  • Submit + qualify check for Comp. 6
  • Review Harkness
  • Kiersey

COMPONENT 6 SURVEY (Due on Wednesday 14th, 2015 @ 8pm)

  • Each group member must complete the survey on work’s website page (at
  • Component grade will drop if not turned in on time.
  • You may invite someone 18+ years old to take the survey as well, BUT THIS IS NOT MANDATORY. 

HARKNESS DISCUSSION (Tomorrow, 2nd Block)

  • For those of you that are new or still confused on how Harkness works:
    • Harkness is basically a group discussion where each student need to participate, sharing thought/opinions about the chosen topic given by the teacher.  It is not a group text, competition, or a debate (hopefully).
    • The discussion will be divided into two groups:
      • Inner Circle (group that does all the talking)
      • Outer Circle (group that takes notes from the inner circle’s discussion)
    • You will be graded based on how much you contribute during the discussion.
    • *For the students who would like to know how to get an AE, you must*:
      • Be mindful of others (not monopolizing the whole discussion)
      • Engage other people to join, especially the shy ones.
      • Give out good and well-thought comments and opinions (by creating/adding connections with other texts, examples, or informations)


  • Feedback on Project Prometheus (Due on Friday)
    • On a piece of paper, write down and explain your commendations and recommendations about the whole Prometheus project.
  • Poetry Out Loud (on Wednesday at MPR from 6-8pm)
    •  Attend and support our fellow Juniors.


As usual, we started the class with 20 minutes of SSR. After that, Mrs. Edwards gave us time to make sure our Component 6 are all up on the blog ( She then went over Comp. 6 survey, extra credit opportunities, and Harkness discussion. Also, she explained how the Pilot test will be like on Thursday. It is not an actual SAT but it will be an advantage for us by getting pointers on what would be on the real one. In addition, we get gift cards by April or May! 😀 Then we took a personality test that were used by companies and military called  the “Kiersey”. However, we didn’t finish it by the end of class so Mrs. Edwards will give us more time on Friday.


  • History Notebook and test (on Wednesday)
  • Pang Quiz (on Friday)

Bye and Good Night 🙂

– Kathleen Sison ❤

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